The application for political asylum


The application for political asylum


I am Ou Yang Jun. only because I have been deeply subjected to the stroke and witch-hunting from the Chinese communist party for a long time, only because I was suffered a huge ordeal in body and soul both. So, I am absolutely in despair for the doublespeak of chinese harmonious society. I want to get a political  asylum from your country. I have made many creationary achievements in everyway of human being:


1, established the theory of “the ghosts and the gods are created by the Aliens ", I think the ghosts and the gods like the gods,ghosts and the Buddha are made by a height flourishing civilization,they made this kind of virtual person’s society in the Earth.So Man can’t see this ghost’s society include the God.

2, established the scientific dialectics , negated the former of Materialism and Idealism of  human being , correct many blemishes of the old dialectics , established scientific Philosophy,correct all weakness of the old philosophy.

3, established the theories of Great Harmony’s Political system, promote the spirit of the Great Harmony of humanbeing, found the greatest humanistic and scientific ‘s regime system in the whole human being ‘s history.

4, I have made a specially important creative achievements on the medical science, negating the pseudoscience that persecute the human being  for so long  time, the modern psychiatry is a pseudoscience , this creating a happiness life for the whole world.

5, launched  "the new culture movement"  this is the most influential and a global movement of Revival of Learning in the human being’s history, this is the first renaissance in Man’s history that could be developed in the whole world.


At the beginning of the year-2004,only because I insist on democracy and freedom, and be knowing I am in perfectly well a waythe Chinese Communist Party  order the policemen and the relevant personnel to jail me to the mental hospital to get a so-called treatment by brutal force. In the mean time, my articles, academic works, and theories are forbidden to announce completely, and they organize a great deal of  people to try to plagiarize my Various theories. only because I is suffered a huge hurt and witch-hunting from the Chinese Communist Party for a so long time, this kind of witch-hunting is already made me can’t live in china, my life is threatenedso I apply to your country for a political asylum, therefore I can live in your country for a piece of time.AS the above reason, I want to get help from you and tall me how can I finish this procedure, and tall me how can I apply to the consul for a visa for the political asylum reason. I want get your help, and I hope I could  get a clear  answer  from you soon.



Ou Yang Jun

At home jian city,china.2008/1/30.

The above article is written in chinese and English both.Because my poor English, so reference the chinese below, please


















