Letter to the nature


TO: Philip campbell  


Dear Doctor Philip campbell and other editors,


    The scientific treatise I send to you would been sent by two    ways, one is sent by the E-mail ,the other way is sent by a registered letter. This is because this scientific treatise is very very important to the human being .My scientific treatise is about the medical science and the psychology ,especially is about the psychiatry. The modern psychiatry is a pseudoscience ,so I wrote my works to criticize and to correct it in the meantime. This is the greatest and the most important achievements in science particularly in the medical science. Meanwhile I send my personal achievements I had acquired to you ,All of this is written in chinese because my poor English, so see someone who can deeply read chinese, and translate it into English, In the best way I suggest and hope you would publish it in English and publish it in chinese in the meantime by a special issue. Finally I thank the editors, and I thank the journal of Nature, the human being would thank all of  you for your hard works.


Your chinese friend and the greatest man on the earth

Ou yang jun  「欧阳军

wrote at home china,2003.11.13



E-mail: worldoyj@163.com



The first people’s hospital of  ji’an city jiang xi province China 「中国江西省吉安市第一人民医院」


The scientific treatise and my personal particulars have attached in this E-mail as the Word files, you can use the Microsoft word to open it.




To: Mr Rory Howlett cc:someone

Mr Rory Howlett

    Forgiving me keeps the speech: You are not a scientist, you are a     theologist and If you had not deal with my scientific treatise very carefully, and see someone who can translate my scientific treatise into English very quickly , you your family and the nature and even the Britain would been disgraced by your foolish behaviour . Everyone in the world would remember you as a joke,so forgiving me keeps the speech even only for the sake of youself, you would do your best to do more better with my scientific treatise, if not, you would see the result, as all you have seen.See all above as my sincerely advices to you and take back your foolish action, do more better with your  works, only for youself, the human history would enter it on the records, do you see it and you're all right,boy.


Your chinese friend and the greatest man on the earth

Ou yang jun


And the last:

my feelings to you and Nature is that the poor chinese can been forgived, in this way you can do more better tomorrow, but the attitude to the science  can't been forgived, you would improve and correct it.


Ou yang jun

at home china, 2003-11-22


发件人: Howlett, Rory [mailto:R.Howlett@nature.com]

发送时间: 20031120 22:39

收件人: '13177624665@vip165.com'

主题: Your enquiry to Nature

Dear Ou yang jun

Unfortunately, we have no translation facility, and as a matter of policy we can only consider manuscripts submitted  in English. Although I cannot speak Chinese, it appears that your paper is very long and discursive, and that it is devoid of substantial new scientific data. As such, it is very  unlikely that it would be suitable for  publication in Nature. For future reference,our Guide to Authors along with advice on getting published in Nature can be found on our website at http://www.nature.com/nature/submit/index.html. I am sorry that we cannot be more favourable or encouraging.


Dr Rory Howlett

Acting Chief Biology Editor, Nature