The witch-hunting being continued


The witch-hunting being continued


    The Chinese Communist Party Strengthen all controls to me. Not only my article,theories and the academic works, is forbidden to be published for a long time,they not only forbid me on the power of publishing the articles and the freedom of speech,the Chinese Communist Party even use the national violence to forbid me to mail them freely,so no one can receive it, except the national policemen.On the other hand they organize a great deal of people to try to plagiarize my Various theories. Recently,they take illegal activities to prevent me from retiring into private life,all my legal rights is being trampled arbitrarily by them,and they take a overall illegal supervision and controls to me in all ways.They also take further controls on my economy,as I am being in a very difficult situation on money and life,as I am under a hard situation without other income ,their mean actions make me to have to face the choices and the threat of the death or aliveness.At this moment, I hope to get your attentions, hearts and helps from everyone who has conscience in all of the world, etc. person, organizations and the other nations. I also hope all of you to rebuke the chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party for their long-term lawlessly contemptible behavior to me and to every chinese citizen,and use all ways you could take to end all of this witch-hunting to me from the chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party.


2007-7-31 at home ji’an city ,china


The follow are some achievements I had achieved:

1, established the theory of “the ghosts and the gods are created by the Aliens ", I think the ghosts and the gods like the gods,ghosts and the Buddha are made by a height flourishing civilization,they made this kind of virtual person’s society in the Earth.So Man can’t see this ghost’s society include the God.

2, established the scientific dialectics , negated the former of Materialism and Idealism of  human being , correct many blemishes of the old dialectics , established scientific Philosophy,correct all weakness of the old philosophy.

3, established the theories of Great Harmony’s Political system, promote the spirit of the Great Harmony of humanbeing, found the greatest humanistic and scientific ‘s regime system in the whole human being ‘s history.

4, I have made a specially important creative achievements on the medical science, negating the pseudoscience that persecute the human being  for so long  time, the modern psychiatry is a pseudoscience , this creating a happiness life for the whole world.

5, launched  "the new culture movement"  this is the most influential and a global movement of Revival of Learning in the human being’s history, this is the first renaissance in Man’s history that could be developed in the whole world.

My email:

Notice: Because my poor English,so reference the Chinese below please




    中國共產黨加緊了對我的各種控制,我的文章、理論和學術著作,不僅長期以來被禁止發表,他們不僅禁止了我在文章上的發表權和言論自由, 中國共產黨甚至動用了國家權力,來禁止我的各種文章和理論的自由寄發,另一方面他們又組織了大量的人員,試圖對我的各種理論來進行剽竊。近來更是在我病退等相關問題上大做文章,任意地踐踏我的各種合法權益,對我進行了全面的非法監控,並且在經濟上也對我進行了一定的控制,使得本來在生活和經濟方面就已經十分艱難的我,在沒有任何其它生活來源的情況下,直接就要面對著生存、還是死亡的生死抉擇和威脅。在此我希望得到世界上、所有有良知的個人、組織和政府的關心、幫助與關注,並且對中國共產黨對我個人和國民長期的暴行加以譴責,以此來結束中國共產黨長期以來,對我個人所進行的各種各樣的政治迫害。


