The atrocities of the CCP
Mr. and Mrs. Only because I am insisting on the democracy, human rights and science in China,I have been deeply subjected to the stroke and persecution by the absolutist political power of the CCP(Chinese Communist Party), the article and theories also are forbidden to announce completely, and Be knowing perfectly well a way, I am not under the circumstance of the mental illness, they order the police men and the relevant personnel to jail me to the mental hospital by brutal force, and strongly force me to get a so-called treatment. The absolutist political power of the CCP(Chinese Communist Party) have been doing much more cruel shameless behaviors to inhibit me. This is’nt only a personal injury to me, actually, this injury is also to the chinese nation and the whole human being,so,I hope the whole world and the people who have the sense of righteousness would rebuke the CCP for their behavior, and use the powerful valid means to forbid the CCP’s inhuman treatment to me, and help me to end and get away from the current’s inhumanes lifes. This kind of help from you will contribute to be ending this crime that the human being can’t been accepted ,and maintain the dignity of the whole human being. Regardless now, still future,the human being would have to face and have to deal with the Anti- civilization’s absolute ruler, power politics and the endless lies form the CCP(Chinese Communist Party).
Yours faithfully
Ou yang jun 2007/5/7 at home in ji’an city china
The follow are some achievements I had achieved:
1, established the theory of “the ghosts and the gods
are created by the Aliens ", I think the ghosts and the
gods like the gods,ghosts and the Buddha are made by a
height flourishing civilization,they made this kind of
virtual person’s society in the Earth.So Man can’t see
this ghost’s society include the God. 2, established the scientific dialectics , negated the former of Materialism and Idealism of human being , correct many blemishes of the old dialectics , established scientific Philosophy,correct all weakness of the old philosophy. 3, established the theories of Great Harmony’s Political system, promote the spirit of the Great Harmony of human being, found the greatest humanistic and scientific ‘s regime system in the whole human being ‘s history.
4, I have made a specially important creative
achievements on the medical science, negating the
pseudoscience that persecute the human being
for so long
time, the modern
psychiatry is a pseudoscience, this creating a
happiness life for the whole world.
5, launched
new culture movement"
this is the most influential and a global
movement of Revival of Learning in the human being’s
history, this is the first renaissance in Man’s history
that could be developed in the whole world. My email: Notice: Because my poor English,so reference the Chinese below please
Mr. and Mrs.
歐陽軍 二00七年五月七日於廬陵家中
我對人類所做出的一些成就如下: 1、他創立了“人創論”,他認為鬼神是文明遠高於地球人類的人類,按照人類社會虛擬的人的社會。 2、他創立了科學哲學,改正了以往舊哲學所有的缺點,創立了科學辯證法即辯證科學主義,否定了人類以往的唯物主義和唯心主義,改正了舊辯證法許多的缺陷。 3、他創立了大同論,提倡世界大同的精神,開創了人類歷史上最偉大的人性化和科學化的政治制度,創立了社會科學主義,是人類歷史上最偉大的創舉。 4、他在醫學上有特別重大的創新成果,否定了危害人類時間最長的偽科學--精神病學,為所有的人類創造了幸福。