Letter to the Science
TO: The chief editor of the science, the American
The chief editor of the science, the American Magazine
and other editors,
The scientific treatise I send to you would been sent by two
ways, one is sent by the E-mail ,the other way is sent by a
registered letter. This is because this scientific treatise is
very very important to the human being .My scientific treatise
is about the medical science and the
psychology ,especially is about the psychiatry. The modern
psychiatry is a pseudoscience, So I wrote my works to criticize
and to correct it in the meantime. This is the greatest and the
most important achievements in science particularly in the
medical science. Meanwhile I send my personal achievements I had
acquired to you ,All of this is written in Chinese「because
my poor English」,
so see someone who can deeply read Chinese, and translate it
into English, In the best way I suggest and hope you would
publish it in English and publish it in Chinese in the meantime
by a special issue. Finally I thank the editors, and I thank the
journal of magazine, the human being would thank all of you for
your hard works.
In the end, I give an important advice to you: Try to remember
don't make the science to be the theology, because the
scientific history of
human being is very short, and the level of
civilization include
the level of the
scientific and cultural level is very low, so give up your old
and other mistaken ways of doing things, give up a fixed and
unchangeable habit in the Magazine, your bad habit almost make
the scientific American Magazine become a rigid things, just
like a theology. Try to Remember it, this is very important to
the science, this is very important to you also . You don’t
think so? Boys. All right Just improve your works. The human
history would enter it on the records.
Your Chinese friend and the greatest man on the earth
Ou Yang Jun
wrote at home china, 2003.11.18
The first people’s hospital of Ji’an city Jiang xi
province China
Notice: The scientific treatise and my personal achievements I had acquired have attached in this E-mail as the Word files, you can use the Microsoft word to open it.