


About the website

Ou yang Jun


This website is the only formal and legal personal website on the earth written in Chinese belong to Ou yang Jun himself, This website has gathered the all articles,thinking and all the importance theories that written or invented by Ou yang Jun in every times.All of these articles, thinking and theories has constructed a new more powerful human being’s civilization on the earth.Everyone on the earth can obviously accept this truth after read and understand all aritcles ,thinking and theories in this website.Although the main evil antihuman,anti- civilized powers of darkness organs of the CCP have been always using the power of governmental and political machine to persecute me for a long time,and the CCP absolutely forbid me to publish my articles, my thinking and theories in a public publication,but only because of the existence of Internet, more or less had been peeped out a few gap from the iron act of the absolutist of the CCP.They should be the same shameful for their contemptible behavior,include the religious organizations and the western  political organizations who pursue a power politics especially the united states, and only due to themselves’ fatuity ,ignorance, arrogance and cupidity, they actively and initiatively cooperate and connive this kind of antihuman,anti- civilized,evil action from the government of the CCP.Actually, they also have became the most notorious antihuman,anti- civilized powers of darkness organs in human being’s history on the earth for a long time.In the first decade of the 21th century,the principal evil power of the CCP,and the assistant evil power of the western power politicians, especially the United States, not only have taken a cruel and conscienceless persecution to me,but also have performed a secular and material huge catastrophe to the human being’s progress and development,and to the civilization of human being’s progress and development on the earth for the whole first decade in 21th century. All of these autarches and western power politicians’ behavior in the first decade is very shameless, conscienceless and astounding. All through the frist decade of 21th century,the CCP and the western power politicians beginning from the George Walker Bush’s government of the United States, the maleficence of their anti-mankind, anti- society and anti- civilization would be huge enough to let them become the most notorious criminal in the history of human being on the earth,all of them would get a equitable adjudgement by the history of mankind on the earth.


Although I has been persecuted by the reactionary government of the CCP,and my articles,my thinking and my theories have been prohibited from publishing all through the first decade of 21th century,but It is very derisible that the CCP always try to copy, plagiarize and imitate all of these,the CCP even try to steal all my articles,thinking and theories straightway,these lawless and infamous actions was already began in the year 2003,and or even more early than 2003.Up to now the CCP has not stopped their maleficence,this behavior of the CCP incarnate the inbeing and nature of the absolutist of the CCP.The appalling, dirty and long-term crime actions from the absolutist of the CCP,and the conscienceless behavior from the western powers and from the organizations of religion has made the most famous event that those evil peoples try to be antihuman and anti- civilized in human being’s history on the erath,especially in the history of human being’s civilization and the history of human being’s science.I hope the Man on the Earth would take these serious lessons from this event,and don’t do it again anymore.


Most of these articles, Lysenkoism,thinking and theories in this website were created by Ou yang Jun himself originally.All of these were written in Chinese, have constructed a new more powerful human being’s civilization on the earth, everyone can obviously accept this truth after read and understand all these articles in this website.Now that the Europe had taken the lead in building the European Union in the world,so the EU must has a bran-new and more high-level philosophy of the culture and the values of the human being that must be very different from the mainstream of today’s world they had followed,so the civilization of the EU and the civilization of the human being can develop and progress more better. All the background pictures of flying saucer was taken by someone else,these photographs may belong to Aliens,or maybe belong to the people who took these photographs.The background pictures of flying saucer in this website most were taken by Switzerland farmer Billy Meier. Ou yang Jun wrote these words above to make a specially elucidation for my website.


Every small step of Ou yang Jun’s development is the big step of the human being’s development on the earth.Even under a hard adversity,even I had been suffered injury and tragedy by the human being on the earth,I have enable my spirit and courage to face my difficult situation,I also had founded a new more advanced civilization for the human being on the earth.I am so proud of my own doings and achievements on the earth that made me felt to be the most honorable.


Ou yang Jun

Nov 3,2010 at home in Lu Ling city


Note:due to my poor English,you may need to read the Chinese original text below,so you can truly understand what I had said in this article.


The website address:












    本站所有的文章、學說和理論均為歐陽軍個人的原創,絕大部分都是用中文所撰寫的,構建出了地球人類更為強大的一代文明,任何能夠讀懂這些文章的人,都能夠顯而易見地感受到這一點。歐洲既然率先在全球建立起了歐洲聯盟,歐盟就必需擁有一種全新的、更高級的、有別於他們曾經追隨過的、當今主流的文化觀和價值觀,只有這樣歐盟和人類的文明,才能夠得到更好與更快的發展和進步。本站所有的背景圖片都是由其他人所拍攝的飛碟圖片,這些飛碟圖片的所有權是外星人,或者是屬于照片的原拍攝者,在本站的背景圖片當中,出現最多的是瑞士農夫比利·邁爾(Billy Meier)所拍攝的飛碟照片。歐陽軍僅以以上的文字,來為本站做一個特別的說明。



















    本站所有的文章、学说和理论均为欧阳军个人的原创,绝大部分都是用中文所撰写的,构建出了地球人类更为强大的一代文明,任何能够读懂这些文章的人,都能够显而易见地感受到这一点。欧洲既然率先在全球建立起了欧洲联盟,欧盟就必需拥有一种全新的、更高级的、有别于他们曾经追随过的、当今主流的文化观和价值观,只有这样欧盟和人类的文明,才能够得到更好与更快的发展和进步。本站所有的背景图片都是由其他人所拍摄的飞碟图片,这些飞碟图片的所有权是外星人,或者是属于照片的原拍摄者,在本站的背景图片当中,出现最多的是瑞士农夫比利·迈尔(Billy Meier)所拍摄的飞碟照片。欧阳军仅以以上的文字,来为本站做一个特别的说明。








